Krysalis jCharts
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jCharts User Guide


Welcome to jCharts

Thanks for downloading jCharts, the #1 Open Source Java Charting Package! lol! The following is meant to assist the developer in getting setup to use jCharts in development. Only the relevent code for each item is shown in the guide, but the full source is included with the downloadable version.

The online User Guide is the Guide for what is currently in development (check it out from CVS), not what is necessarily in the latest stable release. Please visit the Downloads page to download the User Guide for the latest release.

This Guide is an on-going effort, so please help us improve the quality of it by submitting additional information or pointing out lapses in the documentation. Send this information to the jCharts users mail list. Subscribe here.

The User Guide is being ported over to use Forrest and is not complete. Until that is complete, follow this link to view the current release version.

All the images used in this User Guide are generated from source in the: org.krysalis.jcharts.demo.userGuide Package.

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