Ant Build Targets |
compile | ||
Compiles ALL the source of jCharts.
compile13 | ||
Compiles ALL the source of jCharts using the JDK 1.3+. It excludes the code which is specific to the JDK 1.4+, located in the encoders package.
websiteSamples | ||
Generates all the sample chart images used on the website an places them under the documentation/resources/images/samples directory.
Depends: compile
jar | ||
Creates a jar containing the core jCharts Classes. If you are creating custom mods against the jCharts tree, use this target to build yourself a jar to run against!.
Depends: compile
javadocs | ||
Generates JavaDocs for the jCharts sources.
war | ||
Creates the jCharts Servlet and JSP demo Web Application. Simply drop this .war in your Servlet Containers applications folder and off you go!
Depends: jar
deployTomcat | ||
This is a helper Target to build and deploy the Servlet Web Application to the Apache Jakarta Tomcat Servlet Container.
Depends: war
release | ||
Builds the Krysalis jCharts release archive which includes everything.
Depends: jar,war,javadocs
website | ||
Builds the chart samples, runs Forrest and creates a compressed archive.
Depends: compile, websiteSamples